Compliance with Melanie Coetzee at Avontuur Business Club

What is COMPLIANCE? Why would I want to do something so mundane considering the previous corporate successes which I had reached in my professional career? There is nothing better than finding your niche in life. Most people struggle for years, often a lifetime, to find their happy place in work. There are many reasons for […]

Last minute presentations, we give you the skills at Avontuur Business Club

Aletta Rochat is passionate about helping you speak like a professional. So many people are talented and hardworking. They miss out on opportunities because they lack confidence to speak up in meetings, or to present in front of others. As a result, their voice is not heard and often their superb ideas never see the […]

SELF-MANAGEMENT; The foundation of Success!

SELF-MANAGEMENT; The foundation of Success! This is Success as you define it. This talk will speak to anyone in Business, Relationships, Parenting, Communications and Decision-making/Start-up business planning. Why do I face procrastination at the most inopportune times? What can I do if I often find myself at the brink of burnout time and time again? […]

The power of good habits with Reinhard Moors at Avontuur Business Breakfast.

Reinhard has been facilitating the learning and development of individuals and groups for over 20 years. He holds international recognition as a professional coach and works with leaders as individuals as well as with leadership teams. As a coach, Reinhard follows a multi-faceted approach to coaching guided by the thinking and research of valued pioneers […]