Social Media 101
Has social media made you feel you should run for the hills? Do #hashtags leave you with a feeling of #fomo #fearofmissingout? Twitter has you feeling rather ruffled?
Join us for a workshop which will cover the basics about getting your business online and chatting to communities where they are spending their time.
The workshop will cover:
Facebook – getting started and what you need
Instagram – What even is this? How to download and get sharing.
Twitter – Will this work for your business? If yes, then how?
Come with a notebook and pen, smartphone and/or laptop (smartphone is a must if Instagram is something you want to learn).
Date: 15.5.2019
Time: 08h30 – 10h30
Cost: R220 per person and includes breakfast.
R.S.V.P: 021 855 4296