The Oratorio sired Eshera, who races for her breeder the Aga Khan, broke her maiden in stunning fashion at the Curragh on Friday. Trained by Dermot Weld and ridden by Pat Smullen, the 2yo Eshera (who had finished second on debut) simply outclassed her rivals to break her maiden by seven and a half lengths.
Her trainer said after his charge’s impressive score in the DoneDeal Classifieds Website EBF Maiden over a mile “She’s a very nice filly and has progressed well from her second at Gowran. We’ll look for some black type with her next. “
Eshera clearly looks smart, and is yet another fantastic advert for her sire Oratorio.
Friday’s winner was produced by the Dubai Destination mare Eytarna –and Eshera looks a filly with a future.
Her sire Oratorio is certainly no stranger to siring high class fillies. Past star daughters of the former European champion include champion 2yo filly Banchee, German Group 1 winner Temida and dual Italian classic winner Cherry Collect, while other group/graded stakes winning daughters of Oratorio include the likes of Lolly For Dolly (G2 Windsor Forest Stakes), Orator’s Daughter (G3 Acacia Handicap), Scream Blue Murder (G3 Phoenix Sprint Stakes) and Viztoria (G2 Park Stakes).
One of the very finest sons of legendary sire Danehill, Oratorio and his first South African crop will be shown to guests at Avontuur on July 29th.
Courtesy of Cape Breeders.