Breakfast Club with Karl Smith April 2015

Relationship Power! How To Win Business & Influence People
Building business relationships is not just a matter of playing golf, the gift of gab or being a rubber stamp on others’ ideas. There is an art and a science to being a relationship master at work and in business. Studies show that it can boost your sales by 40%, drive your talent’s productivity by 25% and cut regrettable turnover in half. In this programme Karl Smith reveals winning ways to create and maintain real connections inside & outside your company.
Some of the key takeaways include:
• How relationships are bonded or broken in business, based on the Norm of Reciprocity.
• Eight secrets to deepen business relationships from an awareness to trust level.
• A practical plan to leverage networking to drive results. Follow it and you’ll double your network strength in less than one year.
• How to get a ROI from social media in building relationships.

About Karl Smith
Personal Brand Strategist, Networking Authority and author, Karl Smith works with some of South Africa’s most successful companies, premier professional member bodies and dynamic independent professionals on smart self-marketing, networking, referral generation and new media strategies to grow their business, find jobs or other opportunities.
Through all of his talks, there is a thread: People do business with people who they know, like and trust. They are highly emotional creatures, which presents ongoing challenges. Finweek Magazine called him a “Networking Guru” because of his extensive research, comment and highly customized advice points for groups and individuals. For over a dozen conferences and meetings, he’s the top rated speaker.
Karl is the author of three books, including the Beyond The Business Handshake and Secrets to Getting Referrals. Also, he has authored three EBooks on personal branding including How To Position Yourself as an Expert. . According to the average number of Google searches, Karl’s articles influence many across the globe. Why? Because his mission is to help people to win with themselves so that they can win with others.

Date: 08.04.2015

Time: 08h30
Investment: R130
R.S.V.P: 021 855 4296
(please remember E.F.T payments preferred

Banking Details:

The Open Hand Catering C.C
Absa Bank
Acc No: 4057397779
Vat No: 44 00215135
(please give your name and breakfast club as your reference)
N.B: Please remember to reserve your seat with a call


NO membership fees
Open to all interested individuals and businesses
Every second Wednesday of the monthLooking forward to making valuable connections at Avontuur!
*Connect * Share * Grow *



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R44, Somerset West,
Cape Town
-34.024951, 18.823062

Opening Times:
Closed on Mondays
Breakfast & Lunch Tuesday to Sunday, 9am – 4pm

Dinners Tuesdays & Saturdays, 6pm – 9pm, booking essential

Tasting Room:
Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 5pm
Saturday and Sunday, 8.30am – 4pm

CLOSED Good Friday, Christmas Day
and New Year’s Day

+27 (0)21-855-3450